New Site, Same Idea

New Site, Same Idea

Welcome back we renamed the game and the site to go with it. Moving forward we stick to this look and feel and will continue to update the discord and website more frequently.

Background and history:
I have been developing software for 20+ years. Always loved video games, art, and 3d modeling so I said let’s combine them and try to do indie game development, what could go wrong?

So the first couple of years were like the dark ages, wandering around the dark trying to stumble to video games, at first I tried to use what I knew which was web development. Building games in the browser is something that masochism’ must love, so I needed another option.

Enter Unity, so I started to mess around with unity in 2017. It took a while to get good.

This game started to take shape as an idea in 2018, too much thinking took a while to get off the ground, but just from playing lots of games like it, most military simulation games like a battlefield and war thunder; But what I noticed was shifting to games as a service model, locking gameplay behind grind and paywalls. Want to play as this tank or that
The early parts of the game can be seen here
So over time, I figured out how to do more and more, but I am also only one person, the idea of doing everything myself is the main appeal, designing the game UX/UI was easily programming it was another matter..

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So over time I learned how to build all the different parts of video games, and things got better.

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So then I decided how could I make this game more complicated. Does scope creep much? let’s add ships and submarines, right who doesn’t love a good ship battle? So let’s add some more work and building ships and simulations for them. So we needed more UX and more programming, but this required more learning, doing ground and air is not as hard as doing water, you also need water, and it has to look good, so this took a while to be great right? Frankly, this didn’t look that great, but the UI/UX and the concepts were being refined so it was worthwhile.

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It does get better though over time

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But then like any nerd by ADHD got the best of me and I decided why not try building the game in Unreal? That sounds like another great idea. So I spent a few months learning Unreal and how to build games like mine in it. It was good to learn something new, but in the end, Unity was what I could do the most with.

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Now we are looking much better and have all the understanding.

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