M1 Abrams X

M1 Abrams X

The Abrams X is an advanced next-generation main battle tank. It combined advanced sensors and lethality to maintain dominance on the battlefield. The M1AX carries upgraded CIWS sights with improved night and thermal optics, a laser rangefinder, and automated detection and tracking AI. This allows the M1AX to spot targets up to 12km away. The M1AX is armed with a new M360 120mm cannon with an autoloader which can also fire the MPAT smart rounds allowing the tank to carry only three ammo types, HEAT, SABOT, and MPAT. The Abrams X crew is reduced to three who now sits in the lower tank hull, the turret is unmanned and fitted with RW6 30mm M230 Cannon.

The Tank has improved self-protection and armor, it features 360 radar coverage, an active protection system, smoke grenades, and counter-mine detection system, IED/Drone jamming, and improvements with digital links to share tactical battlefield data with the joint force including airborne and naval assets.

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