

The Sukhoi Su-24 (NATO reporting name: Fencer) is a supersonic, all-weather attack aircraft developed in the Soviet Union; it was comparable to the American F-111 when it first entered service in the early 1970s, both aircraft have a variable-sweep wing, twin-engines, and a side-by-side seating arrangement for its crew of two. It was the first of the former USSR’s aircraft to carry an integrated digital land navigation/attack system allowing it to conduct ground strikes in all weather conditions and at night. 

The Su-24 was widely exported and remains in service with the Russian Air Force, and various air forces to which it was exported.  The last batch of the Su-24M2 was delivered to the Russian Air Force in 2009. The Su-24M2 is fully modernized with new equipment and brings the Su-24 inline with the Su-34 in terms of capabilities and improved combat efficiency, the Su-24 includes  a new navigation system, a new weapons control system, a new HUD, and expanding list of usable munitions included precision guided laser and satellite guided bombs.

Developer Commentary:

The Su-24M2 is a mix of new and old, within the Russian factions the Su-24M2 is the primary electronic warfare and SEAD aircraft. It offers a secondary ground attack capability making it very similar to the Su-34 with less capable systems. The Su-24M2 in its SEAD role can carry a mix of long and medium range anti-radar guided missiles. The most capable of these are the Kh-31 a hypersonic missile, the Kh-58 and Kh-28. The Su-24M2 is also able to deploy precision guided munitions as it has both laser and forward looking infrared. Allowing the Su-24M2 to operate at night and in all-weather, the Su-24M2 can also refuel in the air extending it range and allowing the Su-24M2 to conduct long rang strikes escorting other aircraft.

The Su-24M2 is also equipped with ELINT and COMBAT JAMMING configurations include passive detection and ranging pods and improved jamming radius for the default configuration. The Su-24M is less advanced them the Su-34 stock having fewer hardpoints, but is faster then the Su-25 the dedicated ground attack aircraft.

Customizing the Su-24M you can get a mix of bombs, air-to-ground missiles, or drop tanks that greatly extend the flight time of the Su-24M.

In Game Cockpit
In Game Model