Sensors & Counter Measures

Sensors & Counter Measures

The game world is equipped with a diverse array of advanced sensor systems, each offering unique capabilities to detect and target enemy forces based on the type of vehicle you’re operating. Engaging in combat under challenging conditions becomes a thrilling experience, where utilizing specific sensors becomes crucial for survival. For instance, in low-light scenarios, employing night vision becomes indispensable as it unveils hidden dangers lurking in the darkness. Without it, your visibility would be severely compromised.

To maintain a sense of balance, each sensor system comes with one or more countermeasures that allow you to mitigate their effectiveness or even render them completely ineffective. This strategic aspect introduces a delicate equilibrium among the various sensors and countermeasures, forcing players to make tactical decisions based on their knowledge of the enemy’s capabilities.

The game takes full advantage of these mechanics, introducing dynamic gameplay elements such as electronic warfare and active jamming. These features enable players to engage in intense battles where the manipulation and disruption of enemy sensors play a pivotal role. Employing cutting-edge electronic warfare tactics, you can deceive, confuse, and impair enemy detection systems, gaining a decisive advantage on the battlefield.

To enhance immersion, every weapon in the game utilizes a specific seeker type, allowing it to “see” and track targets using a particular sensor technology. For example, radar seekers rely on emitting and receiving radar waves to detect and track enemy units, creating a realistic simulation of radar-based target acquisition. Each vehicle at your disposal will possess a unique set of sensors tailored to its design and role, ensuring a diverse and strategic gameplay experience. However, it’s important to note that not every vehicle will possess every sensor, adding an additional layer of strategic decision-making when assembling your fleet or choosing your playstyle.

Types of Sensors


RADAR technology, a revolutionary invention born during the chaos of World War II, has now become a staple in the world of our game. Serving diverse purposes such as navigation, tracking, and precise targeting, RADAR plays a vital role on the battlefield. In this game, we offer both active and passive forms of RADAR, each with its distinct characteristics and applications.

Our immersive simulation delves into the intricate mechanics behind RADAR technology. Mathematical formulas governing wave propagation, power transmission, and material energy absorption have all been meticulously incorporated to provide a truly authentic RADAR experience. Prepare to witness the faithful representation of RADAR functionality, where the interplay between these elements brings a heightened sense of realism to your encounters on the battlefield.

Electro TV Optics (ETO) – Step into the realm of cutting-edge technology with Electro TV Optics. This sensor utilizes a video camera system, equipped with a versatile gimbal, allowing for seamless panning and zooming capabilities. Acting as the game’s entry-level sensor, ETO replicates the function of the human eye, providing you with a direct visual feed. Depending on the vehicle, you can zoom in to various levels, enabling you to scrutinize the battlefield with precision. In low-light conditions, ETO often incorporates advanced night vision systems, empowering you to pierce through the darkness. Experience the game’s dynamic simulation of different night vision generations, granting you the ability to see even further into the depths of the night.

SONAR – Dive into the depths of the oceanic battlefield with SONAR technology. Designed for detecting submarines and ships, SONAR comes in both active and passive variations. Deployed via towed, bow, and hull-mounted arrays, SONAR mirrors the functionality of RADAR, albeit in the underwater realm. Our game meticulously simulates the complexities of sound propagation through water, accounting for a multitude of variables such as temperature, depth, salinity, and distance to the seafloor. Traverse the aquatic landscape with SONAR, as you strategically navigate this underwater battlefield.

LASER – Harness the power of LASER technology to gain a tactical advantage. LASER serves as a distance-determining tool, allowing you to precisely measure the range to any spot on the mission map. Furthermore, LASER can mark specific targets, enabling the utilization of precision-guided weaponry. While modern vehicles often come equipped with lasers, older models might lack this feature. Beware, though, as employing LASER reveals your position to Laser Warning Systems (LWS), heightening the risk of detection. LWS, available in different generations, ranges from basic detection to sophisticated source identification and even simulation of laser jamming. Engage in calculated strategies as you leverage LASER technology in the battlefield.

THERMAL – By detecting temperature differentials between vehicles and their surroundings, THERMAL optics excel in identifying motion and targets amidst nighttime or cold weather conditions. However, in hot weather, where ambient temperatures align closely with vehicle heat signatures, THERMAL effectiveness diminishes. Camouflage can play a significant role in masking heat signatures, with lower vehicle heat signatures resulting in reduced brightness when viewed through thermal optics. Keep an eye out for thermal camouflage and the countermeasures of infrared (IR) smoke and dazzlers, capable of obscuring THERMAL optics.

GPS – Step into the era of advanced navigation with the GPS system. Harness the power of precise geolocation, enabling you to transmit coordinates to your targets with unparalleled accuracy. Equipped with GPS technology, vehicles possess the knowledge of their own position, displaying dynamic moving maps that effortlessly guide them to waypoints. In this game, GPS serves as the cornerstone of waypoint navigation, facilitating seamless travel and orientation. However, be wary of potential disruptions as GPS signals can be jammed, rendering the moving map function useless or offsetting your vehicle’s position. Brace yourself for dedicated jamming equipment that seeks to undermine this critical system.

DATALINK – Unleash the potential of interconnectedness through the revolutionary DATALINK system. This network allows vehicles to exchange crucial targeting and sensor data, fostering collaboration and strategic coordination. Within the game, DATALINKs play a pivotal role in facilitating communication between players and AI-controlled units, particularly drones. However, beware of the possibility of jamming, which can disrupt DATALINK connections and compromise the transmission of vital information. DATALINKs are categorized into three types: COMMAND, VIDEO, and TARGET. COMMAND DATALINKs empower you to issue orders to AI-controlled units, granting you enhanced control over the battlefield. VIDEO DATALINKs enable real-time video sharing, enabling swift target confirmation and objective assessment. TARGET DATALINKs unlock the ability to exchange firing solutions for precise targeting, allowing you and connected vehicles to strike with unwavering accuracy. Deploying these advanced capabilities comes with risks, as active DATALINKs may increase your visibility to enemy Electronic Support Measures (ESM) and Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) systems. Push the boundaries of communication with advanced ECCM (Electronic Counter-Countermeasures) systems, capable of evading detection and sustaining DATALINK functionality even in the face of intense jamming. Engage in the art of information exchange, forging alliances, and amplifying your own arsenal by connecting with radar contacts, issuing commands, sharing videos, and targeting enemies through the power of DATALINKs.

Vehicle Signatures

Stealth is the key to survival on the battlefield. In this game, your vehicle’s signature plays a crucial role in its detection and targeting by enemy forces. Mastering the art of stealth will keep you one step ahead of your adversaries, ensuring your vehicle remains elusive and protected.

Sound – Every vehicle has its distinct sound profile, measured in decibels. The louder your vehicle, the higher the decibel count, making it easier for sonar-equipped ships and submarines to detect you. Remember, the sound is distance-based, meaning if you keep your distance from the enemy, your noise level will be less likely to give away your position. Lowering your overall noise level is essential to evade detection.

Radar – Radar signatures are condensed measurements of your vehicle’s Radar Cross Section (RCS) in the X-band. The RCS, which varies depending on angles and energy reflections, serves as a baseline to calculate radar energy based on materials and distances. This simulation accurately represents radar detection and stealth mechanics, with lower RCS values granting you longer detection times. Be aware that all player-controlled and AI-controlled vehicles, buildings, munitions, and even terrain can be detected by radar. Use caution as radar can both reveal and be countered by jamming, hindering lock-on and targeting capabilities.

ESM – Electronic Support Measures (ESM) assess the overall electromagnetic (EM) emissions of your vehicle. It provides insight into your EM levels, excluding radar emissions. Vehicles with high ESM signatures appear as solid lines when detected by ESM systems, making them more challenging to protect against jamming and electronic interference.

Heat – Your vehicle’s heat signature determines its visibility in thermal vision and the time it takes to cool down once the engine is turned off. Vehicles with lower heat signatures are harder to spot using thermal vision, granting you an advantage in stealthy operations.

Optical – The physical size of your vehicle influences its detectability and visibility at a distance. Smaller vehicles are naturally harder to detect and observe from afar. The size of your vehicle determines the Level of Detail (LOD) distance at which it can be seen. By default, the vehicle view distance is set to 4 kilometers. Larger vehicles, such as aircraft carriers, score a size rating of 1, while smaller unmanned ground vehicles score a size rating of 0.1.

Master these aspects of stealth to deceive your enemies and ensure your vehicle remains hidden, giving you the upper hand in the game’s intense battles.

Types of CounterMeasures

Countermeasures come in many forms and are generally divided into two categories. Active and Passive.

Active Countermeasures

DAZZLER – Engage the enemy by employing the DAZZLER, an impressive device utilizing an IR laser to disable the thermal vision of enemy vehicles. The laser creates disruptive glitches, making thermal imaging less stable and more challenging to use effectively.

Flares – Take advantage of FLARES, an essential defense mechanism across air, ground, and sea battles. These heat-emitting devices counter IR-guided seekers by diverting their attention toward a more enticing heat source. You can opt for manual deployment or set up automatic systems for rapid and continuous flare dispersal. FLARES excel against short-range IR-guided missiles, but they have no effect against advanced tri-seekers, laser-guided, or radar-guided seekers.

DIRCM/VIRCM – Equip your vehicles with DIRCM or VIRCM systems to neutralize incoming threats. DIRCM, an active infrared countermeasure, projects an IR beam into the missile’s seeker head, causing confusion and leading to its crash. DIRCM systems are incredibly effective against IR-guided missiles and can handle multiple simultaneous threats. While they possess outstanding capabilities, their range and power requirements are their only limitations. VIRCM, commonly found on ground vehicles, offers around 90 degrees of effective arc coverage. On the other hand, DIRCM systems on aircraft and helicopters provide a full 360-degree protection radius.

ECM – Vehicles equipped with ECM systems can engage in jamming operations, disrupting enemy communications and sensors. However, they lack the ability to defend themselves from counter-jamming measures. Deploying ECM alone carries inherent risks and requires careful consideration. ECM systems are designed to consume less power than their ECCM counterparts.

ECCM – Gain the upper hand on the battlefield by utilizing vehicles equipped with ECCM systems. These advanced systems excel in both jamming enemy signals and establishing secure communications with allied vehicles. ECCM systems employ dual and tri-antennas, making the signals they generate jam-proof. However, the additional complexity introduces some latency into the system, which should be factored into your tactical decision-making.

Chaff – Take advantage of Chaff, a tactical tool that disrupts radar signals and conceals your vehicle from enemy detection. Deployed from aircraft, Chaff creates interference, making it harder for ground radars to track and locate your aircraft. It works similarly to FLARES and can be used effectively against RADAR-guided missiles.

Decoys – Choose between two forms of Decoys to deceive and confuse your adversaries. Tethered decoys can be retracted and reused, commonly found in ships and aircraft. They are effective against radar-guided missiles and torpedoes. Alternatively, free-roaming decoys like the MALD can be fired as missiles from electronic warfare aircraft, flying predetermined routes to emit radar seductions and jam enemy radar locations. Decoys unlock thrilling SEAD missions and introduce unique gameplay dynamics.

APS – This cutting-edge defense intercepts and neutralizes incoming High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) and High-Explosive (HE) weapons. APS offers unparalleled protection against missiles and artillery shells, as well as RPGs. While active, APS tirelessly intercepts incoming threats within its designated arc angle, providing a high degree of defensive coverage. Keep in mind that APS requires a constant power supply and has a limited cycle time before it needs to recharge, ensuring your vehicle’s safety in intense combat situations.

Fire Suppression – Fire poses a grave threat to your vehicle, be it a mighty ship or a nimble truck. Fires can spread and disable your vehicle over time. Keep a close eye on your gauges as engine fires and cargo fires can escalate into general fires. Equipping your vehicle with a fire suppression system allows you to extinguish flames swiftly. Preventing an ammo rack from cooking off and causing a spectacular explosion becomes crucial when tanks are hit by incoming rounds.

Noisemakers – Employ Noisemakers to deceive and evade torpedoes in underwater combat. These devices, akin to FLARES, are ejected from submarines or ships, generating significant noise that confuses torpedo guidance systems. The floating noisemakers divert the torpedoes, enabling your submarine to slip away undetected.

Interceptors – Unleash Interceptors, compact explosives released in the path of incoming torpedoes. Fired from tubes or rocket launchers, these interceptors neutralize torpedoes before they impact your submarine or ship. They detonate in close proximity to the torpedo, effectively disabling multiple threats simultaneously.

Passive Countermeasures

RWS – Equip your vehicles with Radar Warning Systems (RWS) for enhanced situational awareness. These compact systems detect enemy radar emissions, specifically, search and tracking radars. RWS notifies you of the type of radar being used, along with its direction and distance. When the enemy radar is actively scanning or locked onto your vehicle, the RWS alerts your crew. Widely available in aircraft and ships, some ground vehicles also come equipped with RWS, empowering them to detect enemy radars and radar-guided missiles.

LWS – Laser Warning Systems (LWS) function similarly to RWS but specialize in detecting laser light. They detect incoming laser spot targeting and scanning, providing valuable information on range and distance. LWS warns your vehicle if it becomes the target of a laser-guided weapon. Active LWS may attempt to disrupt the laser beam or audibly warn your crew. While LWS requires power and active operation to detect incoming laser energy, more advanced passive LWS can detect lasers without drawing power from the vehicle. Advanced active LWS can also jam lasers, preventing laser-guided missiles or bombs from hitting your vehicle. An Advanced Active LWS scans incoming tracking laser waveforms and reflects them back into the seeker, causing confusion.

MWS – Elevate your defenses with a Missile Warning System (MWS), the pinnacle of advanced warning systems. Combining radar, laser, and IR sensors, MWS detects incoming missiles of all seeker types, allowing you to evade them effectively. MWS actively releases flares or chaff, tailored to the type of incoming missile detected. It warns your crew and provides critical information to determine whether the missile will hit your vehicle or not.

ERA – Equip your armored vehicles with Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) to fortify your defenses. ERA panels explode upon impact, thwarting HEAT and SABOT-type shells by preventing them from penetrating the vehicle’s armor. Each ERA panel can only be used once but can be replaced during repairs, granting you an additional layer of protection. ERA serves as a formidable shield, absorbing the initial impact from unknown enemies and granting you valuable time to maneuver.

Slat – Enhance your vehicle’s defensive capabilities with Slat armor, which provides similar protective qualities to ERA. However, note that the effectiveness of Slat armor diminishes with higher-velocity impacts. Slat armor primarily thwarts RPGs and rockets, but it is unable to stop Armor-Piercing (AP) or SABOT rounds, which can penetrate the armor with ease.

IRST – Gain a tactical advantage with Infrared Search and Track (IRST), a radar-like IR tracking system. By utilizing IR waves and persistence imaging, IRST detects infrared radiation up to impressive ranges of 80 kilometers. Its advanced capabilities enable simultaneous tracking of multiple targets. Furthermore, IRST functions as both a sensor and a countermeasure system, incorporating elements of DIRCM to jam incoming IR missiles. Maximize your combat effectiveness with this versatile technology.

NBC – Ensure your survival in hazardous environments with Nuclear Biological Chemical (NBC) systems. These integrated air filters and overpressure systems create a protective barrier, safeguarding the crew and passengers from external threats such as smoke and toxic agents. Sealed armored vehicles equipped with NBC systems allow you to operate efficiently in environments with poor air quality, including areas contaminated by fallout or chemical warfare agents.