Author: user

The state of the world.

The plan is to break up the game into three parts. This will allow me to ship something this year and iterate on the game in blocks. When I started I had no idea what to build, I was just a fan of 4x games and simulations. But after two years of plodding along I…
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Fall Update Part 1

For Fall I added a bunch of things to move this game from prototype to real game. The Steam page is registered. I’ll be updating a bunch of stuff in here so it will be ready to go in Early Access in 2024. From a tech point of view. The biggest was the save file…
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Armed Breacher Vehicle

The Armed Breacher Vehicle is a rarely touched class of military engineering vehicles used to clear minefields and obstacles. I don’t remember any game that has attempted to capture what these vehicles do. Namely clearly mines and blowing stuff up. So bringing them to life in a game was an interesting challenge. We can break…
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Armor Systems and Damage Modelling

The Armor system and the Damage Model are component-based and modular. It uses two main parts the Armor Mod and Health. This is used for the individual parts inside of a vehicle, the engine, wheels, ammo, and fuel tanks are all armor mods that have their own health and state, they can be damaged, repaired,…
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Abstracting chaos in the real world

One of the cool things I am trying to do with this game is to build an abstract simulation of what we have all witnessed all over the world. The Collapse of a government into civil war. This is the main “villain” in the game in the sense that the primary goal of the 4x…
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Amphibious Combat Vehicle

The United States Marine Corps (USMC) Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV) is a versatile and advanced armored vehicle designed to enhance the Marines’ amphibious warfare capabilities. Built to replace the aging Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAV), the ACV provides improved speed, mobility, and survivability for the Marines during amphibious operations and other expeditionary missions. Key features of…
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Sensors & Counter Measures

The game world is equipped with a diverse array of advanced sensor systems, each offering unique capabilities to detect and target enemy forces based on the type of vehicle you’re operating. Engaging in combat under challenging conditions becomes a thrilling experience, where utilizing specific sensors becomes crucial for survival. For instance, in low-light scenarios, employing…
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Varan Class Aircraft Carrier CVN

The Varan Class Aircraft Carrier is the first ship constructed under a new shipbuilding UMK design which shifted large Russian capital ships into a standardized hull design. Admiral Kuznetsov the Russian Navy’s sole remaining Aircraft Carrier was scrapped in 2027 as part of the Russian-Ukraine peace accords, leaving the Russian Navy without a aircraft carrier.…
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Spring Updates

Let’s take a deep dive into the game systems and vehicle mechanics. Let’s look at the MRAP class, right now the MRAP is available for all factions. The MRAP for the US is based on the M-ATV, it comes in 8 combat variants which your progressive unlock based on your tech tree. Each vehicle in…
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Russia in 2034 The year 2034 finds Russia in a distinct phase of its history, characterized by a notable shift from the era of Vladimir Putin’s leadership. Four years prior, the Russian leader stepped down as part of a peace agreement with Ukraine, marking a significant turning point in the region’s geopolitical landscape. In the…
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